Faithful Young Christians


Practical Young Christian Living

In the name of Christ, my friends, what is the reality of life? If you are a young person, do not skip this message at all, because it is very important for you to know these things.

First, I ran behind Jesus more than success, but everyone is chasing success. No matter what, people want to be successful and move forward, but we have forgotten that there is no greater success than God. We are behind success, running without any intention of turning away from sins.

Christian Young's
Christian Young’s

What was the use of Alexander the Great? Alexander the Great had conquered the whole world, but after his death, he wanted his empty hands to come out of his shroud so that the whole world could see and know that when you die, nothing goes with you.

Yes, your success will not go with you, but after death, you will definitely face God. So, consider this carefully.

Yousaf and Daniel, all these young people, were not chasing success; they were following God. King David became the king of Israel when he followed God. Daniel followed God, and there is grace in life, friends.

Secondly, associate with spiritual friends. God has given us a special time in our youth where we can work very fast. Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.

No matter how good you are, if you associate with the wrong people or friends, it is certain that you will be corrupted.

The Bible teaches us about the importance of association. Proverbs 13:20 states, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” If you are a mother, you should also pay attention to your children.

The third thing is the greatest weakness of young men who are overwhelmed by their youthful desires. They have sex and dirty thoughts. The Bible repeatedly teaches us to avoid these temptations. James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

It is surprising that when it comes to the devil, the Bible says to face Satan, but when it comes to sexual temptations, the Bible says to flee from them.

Friends, it is easier to fight Satan than to fight these temptations. King David was a very great king who conquered many nations and even ambushed lions, but when it came to a woman, he lost. Similarly, Samson was a powerful man who defeated thousands of people but lost to a woman.

However, Yousaf was different. He teaches us to run away from youthful lusts because this is a sin that traps many young people.

sometime young people waste their time in watching movies or other activities some young are so busy in their studies that they are able to give time to God but they do not feel peace in their life

this is the reason that God is not with them until God is not with you you will be confused  so it is necessary to give the first priority to Lord Jesus Christ and when you will first priority to Jesus Christ God will give you first priority

Fourth, we are here only for 70 or 80 years, and after that, our life will be over. As we came, we will also go back one day. We are not immortal; we are here for a little while, maybe not even tomorrow. Everyone wants to go to heaven, so why should we waste our time in dirty talk?

We should follow Jesus and not waste our life in our youth.

God bless you all.

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